Sunday, August 11, 2013

You Bet They Need Us

There were many memorable moments, amidst the frenzy and excitement of delivering supplies, last week to the CPS and Harvey, IL schools.  Perhaps none stood out more in terms of why our assistance is needed than our very last stop which we made late Friday morning.

Our volunteers had just started to unload supplies and the janitor met us at the back door of the school (I won't mention the name of the school as I don't want to embarass anyone).   At any rate the janitor had a dust mop that was held together with two yardsticks and some masking tape.  His two-wheel cart was tiny, old, and the fragile pipes were held together with masking tape.

I thought to myself, how on earth can this man, with these spartan supplies, take care of a school.  At that moment it struck me that the students, janitors, teachers and others in the various buildings we serve are almost always in need of our help.

By the way, Mac, one of volunteers, wisely gave one of our heavy duty, brand new two wheel cart.   The look of satisfaction and appreciation on the face of that janitor will live with me forever.   We gave him just what he most needed.  How priceless.


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