Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50 Years Later and Today

The March on Washington 50 years ago moved the nation forward in so very many ways. When all is said and done it wasn't just a matter of aiding civil rights, it was a movement to assist in the enhancement of human rights.

There are acitivists and those striving to move the need ahead on these two fronts in Chicago on this day to mark the 50th anniversary of the march. These people are calling for a 1-day school boycott to bring attention to a whole host of issues. Coincidentally, the CS Board of Education is slated to vote on the fiscal year 2014 budget, a budget which contains significant millions of dollars of classroom cuts.

The boycott today is in protest of these cuts, the closing of nearly 50 schools, teachers being terminated, a school board which is appointed rather than elected and much more.

There are those who would say that the kids need to be in the classroom today. My reply is this...Who are we, on the outside, to questions this? I really mean it. Like 50 years ago how are we to know the dire conditions that today's students and families live in? We really have no idea what it is like to fight escalating poverty, too few jobs, school closings, dwindling budgets and a whole host of other problems.

I applaud people for saying no to these conditions, many not created of their own doing. I understand and support their willingness to stand up and say no more! Like 50 years ago, they have every right to draw attention to the above predicament. At the very least, we ought to be able to empathize with our fellow citizens.


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