Monday, September 21, 2009

Kickers Score Big With KiKK

It all started back on August, 29 2005. That's not just the day that Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, it's also the point at which the Hinsdale Central H. S. boys soccer squads joined in the effort to help rebuild New Orleans and the schools.

The boys continued to aid the city's schools by hosting the third annual KIKK (Kick It In For Katrina Kids) fundraiser on Sunday, September 20th. To say that the event was a success is an understatement!

Led by seniors Eric Loebig and Jack O'Donnell, the soccer-tennis competition raised in excess of $2,000.00!! True, the rain cut off the heated competition at the semi final stage but, no worries, all had a great time.

The day was a whopping success on all fronts. Not only did the soccer players come up with such a fantastic amount of cash donations, they were able to enjoy knocking the ball back and forth between friends. Where else could you go on a Sunday afternoon and receive a free t-shirt (compliments on Hinsdale Bank and Trust), have some pizza (Domino's), enjoy some great music, have a refreshing water/gatorade, and help a great cause?

The jury may still be out with respect to the final victor in the soccer-tennis competition but the entire HC soccer program can know that they have won a championship when it comes to aiding those in need.

Kudos to all the players, parents, and patrons who made this day so successful and memorable.

Many thanks,
Coach Flesher

Monday, September 14, 2009

Schools Count Corp Cares!

By the very nature of our company's name, Schools Count, its pretty obvious that our organization; its donors, volunteers, affiliated non-profits, and recipients care deeply about young people. Going a step further, we seek to enable students to have the resources available, on a daily basis, so that they can enjoy success in the classroom while having a pleasant overall experience in the process.

That is exactly why we provide not only supplies for use in day-to-day classroom work but we also provide gear for athletics, games for rainy days, resources for recess, and instruments for music programs. Our aim is to provide for a students total educational experience.

There are far too many public schools in this country, whether because of disasters or tough economic times, that aren't able - through no fault of their own - to fully meet the needs of their students.

And that's where Schools Count Corp comes in. Public schools have always been fundamental to the success of individuals, the communities in which they reside, and the larger American society. A decent public education must be afforded every child in the United States. Schools Count Corp. will do its part to help realize this right and, in turn, and the dreams of each person.

Many thanks for your continued support!!!

Dick Flesher

Friday, September 11, 2009

HC Boys Soccer Readies for KIKK

What team will be crowned the 2009 KIKK (Kick It In For Katrina Kids) Champion in Hinsdale Central's annual soccer-tennis fundraiser? We'll soon know as the players take to the court next Sunday, September 20th at the Hinsdale Central H. S. tennis courts. The competion begins at 2:00 pm and the champion will be crowned by 5:00 pm.

This unique game sees teams of 2-3 players playing in a group format, like the World Cup, with each team guaranted to play in three matches. After this early phase of soccer-tennis, heading or kicking the soccer ball over the net, the competition moves in single elimination phase.

Players pay a minimal registration fee to play in the event with all the proceeds going to Schools Count Corp. The funds are used to purchase supplies for Illinois and Chicagoland schools, as well as those in New Orleans, in need of various resources.

Kudos to Hinsdale Bank and Trust in Hinsdale for providing the funds to purchase t-shirts. Every participant in the KIKK competition receives a free t-shirt. Thanks Kramer's!! Your support is appreciated.

Come on out and enjoy the day and root for your favorite player. Let the fun begin!!

Dick Flesher

Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School