Friday, November 30, 2018

It's Not Just

I had the privilege of helping to provide some needed resources to a far south side elementary school yesterday. It is a school that not only needs physical supplies but, more importantly, the children could surely use some personal help that supplies have next to nothing to do with.

I've been to this school and neighborhood on a number of occasions. All the manufacturing firms that I passed to and from the school are shuttered. Liter is strewn about. Within the building, the kindergarten class has 31, yes 31, students...far, far too many for any teacher in any American school.

Supplies are in urgent need and I'm not just referring to classroom supplies. The kids desperately need socks, mittens, coats, scarves
and school uniforms.

The school population can change on almost any given day. Some students remain for just a few days and then they are off to who knows where.

And yet I found the 21 year Asst. Principal, a couple of teachers and an administrative assistant to be helpful and positive. They were and are truly appreciative of the assistance provided by Schools Count. I've thought long and hard about all of the good people and I have a number of reactions, one being that this just isn't just.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Cuts in Education - Real Consequences

In the private sector you might here the talking heads talking about 'cutting their way to prosperity.' I have watched large and small companies say and do this for a very long time. By and large, the cuts leads to additional cuts and those cuts don't ever seem to be restored. In fact the cycle of cutting doesn't seem to end until the firm goes out of business or is snapped up by another company.

What does this discussion have to do with public education? Plenty!!

Making cuts to public education, in any area, usually results in the cuts being both harmful and, like the cuts in the private sector, are likely not to be reversed going forward. Eliminate good teachers, dump curriculum programs, and ending other classroom/non classroom initiatives and you'll be hurting the children.   It's as simple and hurtful as that.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thankful Wednesday

Giving Tuesday was a terrific success for Schools Count. More to the was a wonderful event for the children in need. That's leads to the obvious statement of a 'Thankful Wednesday.' The donations totaled in excess of $3,500.00 and each of our donors made a commitment to share in their bounty.

I will keep you informed and up-to-date on the use of these special funds. Please accept my thanks for your steadfast commitment to see to it that children are properly resourced.

Many thanks,

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is certainly appropriate particularly coming on the heels of Cyber Monday and shopping for oneself and others. The number of charities and the good work they do is simply incredible and inspiring. I'd be most pleased if you would consider making a donation to Schools Count (link below) as we endeavor to assist those in where fires and hurricanes have devastated regions from coast to coast.

I'd be pleased to match the first $500 in donations with a personal donation.

Please accept my thanks!!

Dick Flesher
President of Schools Count

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of our Board of Directors I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the countless thoughtful and kind people who provide the resources and support to Schools Count so that we can lend as much assistance to children as possible. Your ongoing efforts through donations, labor, fundraisers and more all make a difference in the lives of the students served.

It is our wish that you, your family and friends find the Thanksgiving holiday one of peace and joy. From our vantage point we would like to extend a hearty 'thank you' for all that you have done in the past year. I believe if the children we are fortunate to help were able to write this note that would be even more emphatic in expressing their thanks!!

Enjoy your time with family and friends,

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fires in the Paradise, CA Schools

These are a couple of photos of all that is left of the Paradise schools. As many of you are acutely aware large swaths of California, including Paradise, are still at the mercy of devastating fires.

A number of Schools Count Corp. supporters have inquired about any help we can render to the children/schools. Frankly, at this point I don't have an answer regarding what we might be able to do. The community and schools are understandably reeling. I will certainly stay in touch with our Board of Directors and concerned citizens with regard to any assistance we may be able to provide.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Moving too Fast

There are many reasons why a good number people don't enter the teaching profession. There's also an abundance of reasons why great teachers leave the profession in their prime. Some of the problems confronting this group of fine instructors has to do with what we put in their laps and those in charge could do something about it.
The advance of technology means that lesson plans, assessments, emails, texts and more can be processed at lightening speed. And, in part, therein also lies the problem. People on the other end expect to get results sooner. They demand feedback now, right away. There's no time to dilly around as if teachers did that!!!

Processing, planning, teaching, assessing and other 'ing's' involved in being a teacher can not, repeat CAN NOT, be completed instantly. Many of the qualities that go into a rich teaching/learning scenario take time...plain and simple. Teachers, and students alike, realize this fact.

Too many things move fast in the world of a teacher and many of them are harmful in terms of expecting too much, too soon. It's one of the forces driving people out of the profession.


Monday, November 12, 2018

A Few Reminders

There are plenty of ways of helping Schools Count and the children we serve. Kelsey's Resale in Downers Grove has some great items for sale...the holidays are just around the corner. Kelsey's is open on Fridays (10-4) and Saturday (10-1). They have a wide assortment of Bags, Sweaters, Booties and Coats/Jackets. Kelsey's is located at 239 Ogden Ave. Kelsey's will be making a cash donation to Schools Count based on their November sales.

Many of you have inquired about possibly donating to Schools Count on Giving Tuesday. This year's Giving Tuesday is after Thanksgiving on November 27th. I'll stay in touch with you going forward.

As the holidays approach please accept my thanks for your support as we look to provide gloves, hats, coats and sock - yes socks - as the cold weather is at hand.

Thank you,

Friday, November 9, 2018

In Tribute - John Filipiak

The Naperville North High School community, along with family and friends, lost a wonderful man, John Filipiak. There were countless occasions when the soccer players, and other athletes and coaches, benefited from the great grounds keeping work of this cheerful man. On behalf of Peggy and David Bucher (former head boys soccer coach at NNHS) a donation has been made in John's name to Schools Count Corp. May the Filipiak's find peace and comfort in the joy John brought to one and all.

Dick Flesher

Money Makes a Difference

I'm tired of hearing people say that money doesn't make a difference in education. The lament of these naysayers is that 'you're just throwing good money after bad.' The 'bad' assumes that money was wasted in the past. Of course money shouldn't be wasted! I don't disagree with the premise that if money is wasted then why should more funds be allocated.

The fact of the matter is districts throughout the country realize that they have a finite amount of money to use and that they have to be careful in their spending. They realize costs go up, contracts have to be negotiated, needs change and they have to be accountable to taxpayers.

So the 'bad' argument is a false proposition!! Most schools don't commonly ask for funds realizing the above. So when school officials do levy and/or ask for bonds to pay for something the school board members and administrators they know full well that they will be held accountable.

Take a look at some of the best performing schools throughout America, be they private or public, and the vast, vast majority are much better funded than those starving for funds.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tell Me the Alternative

Other than doing little to remedy a problem in the classroom or saying no to a referendum please tell me, other than saying no, what you would propose. No is a completely accepted answer only if there is an explanation and a proposed solution or alternative. But saying no just to be obstinate while offering little else is not acceptable.

This obfuscation by the type of naysayers above happens all too frequently. Should there voices be heard...of course. Should they have an opportunity to offer suggestions or bet. But to simply say no while offering no way forward is not acceptable and it does absolutely nothing to remedy a problem or move the needle forward.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Building vs. Tearing Down

Moving the needle forward on issues with regard to education (or for that matter on a whole host of other concerns) always seems to be challenging. Allow me to provide a metaphor. It a much more intricate and thoughtful process to build a house than it is to take a wrecking ball to one and, in turn, to drop it to the ground.

That seems to be the case when working to pass referendums, adding content to curriculum, making changes to the daily schedule, offering new courses, improving school safety and much more. The status quo or simply saying "no" doesn't take a whole lot of effort.

Those of us who have taught and are still in the game understand the enormous amount of time, energy and thought that goes into making real improvements in our schools. Not an easy task often times.

Allow me to say this to all those schools, school leaders, students, teachers and the public at large. The fight for better public schools, improved resources and proper funding are always worth fighting for, the fight is almost always an uphill battle against those who are often opposed to various initiatives.

But there is no other choice other than to carry on and I've learned that over my years as a teacher and President of Schools Count. Never give in, always get up and help the kids.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Voting and Education

Your vote matters so make your voice heard!! There's much at stake in nationwide elections when it comes to education. We can pick officials at the federal level who will stand up to the proposed Dept. of Education cuts that Ms. DeVos supports. We can maintain our schools by selecting board members who will support referendums that will help our students.

We can vote for state legislators who will see the wisdom in cutting back on the overburdening of staff and students through too many regulations and state testing mandates. It would be wonderful if those same legislators, who we happen to select, can come into our schools and see what is taking place rather than making it an opportunity for them to drone on and on. In other words, the would show up and LISTEN!

So this blog is intentionally short today for an obvious reason...your vote matters so make your voice heard!!


Monday, November 5, 2018

This is Sickening

The more teachers I talk to and listen to the more I hear their concerns.   Actually, concerns is putting it mildly.   Teachers are simply overwhelmed, they are asked to do more, to take on more, and that's often without the proper time and resources.

And all of this from our best in the profession.   They are told to take attendance online, to assess work online, and to produce lesson plans online if there is a snow day.   Just one problem (well actually more) the computer system is down or not up to par.   "Hey teachers, we need you to take on this coaching position, another club, and/or another activity.

That's just a small part of it.   The many dozens of emails each day, the committee load, people making a request of you but they don't follow through on their end, parents who demand something five minutes ago, kids texting you at night, fund shortages, the threat of looming referendum that may fail!!!

The list is endless and if this continues then we are in for a teacher shortage the likes we have not seen before.


Friday, November 2, 2018

Donate to SCC Through Amazon Smile

To Our Schools Count Supporters,

Just a very quick ask. Amazon Smile has a program which provides funds to charities if you purchase items. This will just last through the end of today, November 2nd. If you purchase, as noted below, from Amazon Smile our charity will get a 5% cash donation. Kindly consider this wonderful offer if you need to make a purchase.

Many thanks,
Dick Flesher

Dear Charity Administrator,

We have just completed the AmazonSmile donation disbursement for the 2018 Q3 disbursement cycle to organizations that generated the $5 minimum disbursement amount or more. We will hold your donation and add it to a disbursement in a future quarter. For more details, visit click on the Receive Donations tab.

In the meantime, your can increase your AmazonSmile donations by taking advantage of our biggest bonus donation ever —5% for 5 days! Now through Nov 2, we're donating 5%, ten times our usual rate, on all eligible purchases. Click here for details.

You can use the copy and banners below to spread the word.

Through Nov 2, AmazonSmile is donating 5% (ten times the usual amount) to Schools Count Corporation NFP when you shop at #AmazonSmile #StartWithaSmile

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Kelsey's Supporting Us

To All of Our SCC Donors and Volunteers,

I have some great news to share with you!!! Kelsey's Community Shop is donating their proceeds from their November sales to Schools Count. Please take a look at the information below and kindly consider stopping in, as the holidays are approaching, and consider making a purchase. This is wonderful gesture on the part of Kelsey's and I know I will be stopping in during November.

Many thanks,
Dick Flesher

Information about Kelsey’s Community Shop

Kelsey’s Community Shop is a Charity Shop located in Downers Grove, IL. The shop was founded by Kelsey Resale Boutique with locations in Hinsdale and LaGrange, IL. The Community Shop is run by a full time Manager and volunteers. Each month, the shop’s proceeds will benefit a different charity. We will be posting the charities each month in the store along with the amount donated. For November, the charity will be Schools Count Corp! Please stop in and check it out, there are many wonderful accessories, shoes and clothing items from top designers at fabulous prices!

Store Hours are: Monday – Saturday 10-5pm and Sunday from 12-4pm

Location: 239 Ogden Avenue (Just west of McDonald’s on the South side of the street)
Downers Grove, IL 60515

See the website at: for more information.

Kelsey’s Community Shop is a 501 (c) (3) organization and a tax receipt will be provided for donations.

If you have a question about our organization or would like to request a favorite charity to receive our help, please email us at: Thank you.

Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School