Monday, November 5, 2018

This is Sickening

The more teachers I talk to and listen to the more I hear their concerns.   Actually, concerns is putting it mildly.   Teachers are simply overwhelmed, they are asked to do more, to take on more, and that's often without the proper time and resources.

And all of this from our best in the profession.   They are told to take attendance online, to assess work online, and to produce lesson plans online if there is a snow day.   Just one problem (well actually more) the computer system is down or not up to par.   "Hey teachers, we need you to take on this coaching position, another club, and/or another activity.

That's just a small part of it.   The many dozens of emails each day, the committee load, people making a request of you but they don't follow through on their end, parents who demand something five minutes ago, kids texting you at night, fund shortages, the threat of looming referendum that may fail!!!

The list is endless and if this continues then we are in for a teacher shortage the likes we have not seen before.


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