Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Building vs. Tearing Down

Moving the needle forward on issues with regard to education (or for that matter on a whole host of other concerns) always seems to be challenging. Allow me to provide a metaphor. It a much more intricate and thoughtful process to build a house than it is to take a wrecking ball to one and, in turn, to drop it to the ground.

That seems to be the case when working to pass referendums, adding content to curriculum, making changes to the daily schedule, offering new courses, improving school safety and much more. The status quo or simply saying "no" doesn't take a whole lot of effort.

Those of us who have taught and are still in the game understand the enormous amount of time, energy and thought that goes into making real improvements in our schools. Not an easy task often times.

Allow me to say this to all those schools, school leaders, students, teachers and the public at large. The fight for better public schools, improved resources and proper funding are always worth fighting for, the fight is almost always an uphill battle against those who are often opposed to various initiatives.

But there is no other choice other than to carry on and I've learned that over my years as a teacher and President of Schools Count. Never give in, always get up and help the kids.


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