Monday, November 12, 2018

A Few Reminders

There are plenty of ways of helping Schools Count and the children we serve. Kelsey's Resale in Downers Grove has some great items for sale...the holidays are just around the corner. Kelsey's is open on Fridays (10-4) and Saturday (10-1). They have a wide assortment of Bags, Sweaters, Booties and Coats/Jackets. Kelsey's is located at 239 Ogden Ave. Kelsey's will be making a cash donation to Schools Count based on their November sales.

Many of you have inquired about possibly donating to Schools Count on Giving Tuesday. This year's Giving Tuesday is after Thanksgiving on November 27th. I'll stay in touch with you going forward.

As the holidays approach please accept my thanks for your support as we look to provide gloves, hats, coats and sock - yes socks - as the cold weather is at hand.

Thank you,

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