Sunday, October 31, 2021

Time to Get Back in the Game!!

It's been far too long that I've been absent from blogging about all that is taking place in the field of education both locally and nationwide.    There's plenty to share with you.   Amazing things are taking place in the classrooms and yet...

School board meeting have become contentious in too many parts of America.    There are charges that school districts and teachers are teaching 'Critical Racial Theory.'  Before I add some comments on this issue, I want those of you who follow this blog to know that I have checked with at least a dozen of my former colleagues and none of them teach this.

Now, let me add this point.   Our country is 245 years old and we need to teach EVERY aspect of our American History...full stop.    That means talking about ALL discoveries, inventions, race, gender, government, wars, the economy and so much more.   So, guess what my friends, teaching American History means teaching all of it...things covered up, forgotten, and ignored...ALL OF IT!

Thanks, Dick

Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School