Thursday, October 26, 2017

More DeVos

As if it wasn't bad enough that Education Secretary DeVos chose to do away with 72 protections for children with disabilities one shouldn't disregard her other efforts to harm or perhaps even dismantle public education. Secretary DeVos has made it clear that nothing is off the table.

Earlier this year, under her leadership and approval, the department did away with many protections of civil rights violations in public schools and universities. In short, the potential victims of alleged crimes were denied various protections. That should make students and parents nervous as hell.

Prior to leading the Dept. of Education Ms. DeVos was busy in Michigan doing her best to reduce the role of unions in schools. It shouldn't be lost on anyone that the legislature of the state has essentially ended the pensions of its teachers.

Make no mistake about it, Ms. DeVos record with respect to enhancing and improving public education leaves a great deal to be desired.

And what will come of it? My guess is that our nations public school teachers don't have the time to deal with this lady as they are too busy doing their best in the classroom.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wrecking Ball

The United States Department of Education, under Betsy DeVos, recently rescinded 72 policy documents that outlined the rights of students with disabilities. The Office of Special Educcation and Rehabilitation Services, within the Dept. of Ed., said that the documents were dropped because they were either "oudated, unnecessary or ineffective. To this I say... then update them or make them more effective!

Elizabeth Hill, a spokesperson for Secretary DeVos remarked "Students with disabilities and their advocates will see NO impact on services provided."

From my vantage point it seems both alarming and confusing that ALL 72 policy documents are suddenly not needed. All 72? You mean that not even one of these Bush and Obama era provisions isn't needed? That's difficult to fathom! It was hard enough to get the legislation passed and adhered to in the first place and now this almost overnight dismantling?!

It is difficult to keep up with the cutting in the Dept. of Education that has helped children and it's even more difficult to imagine the impact that is about to take place.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Teacher Effectiveness

The true value of a teacher, at any level in any type of education setting, can never be measured. For all of the so called state and local ways of evaluating teachers, one thing remains unchanged and that is that effective teaching has at its core teacher persoanl qualities.

Teachers who genuinely display compassion, the ability to relate to students, kindness, thoughtfulness, caring, empathy, a sense of humor and being approachable are those who can inspire students to learn. The very best teachers demonstrate their concern for the growth of their students.

The above isn't a complete list, by any means, of those attributes of successful teachers but they are part of the core of what makes one a memorable and effective instructor.

I long for the day that people in all walks of life stop thinking that meauring the quality of a teacher is merely a matter of some type of prescriptive formula.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Dinner and Music Galore!

Over the past years Schools Count Corp has put together EIGHT bands at CPS schools. To those of you who know something about the dollar value of trumpets/drums/trombones/saxophones and the like, let alone the value intellectually and growth wise of children, you are well aware of the cost of putting together a music program.

That's why Wednesday, November 15th promises to be an amazing evening as Mr. Maynie of Medgar Evers Elementary will bring some of his students to our 'Appreciation Dinner' to perform for the attendees. That's right...YOU, as our donors, essentially created this band with your generous contributions!!

This is a FREE dinner open to our donors, volunteers and the general public. To be a part of the festivities simply email Dick Flesher at with the names of those attending. The dinner will be held at the Community House in Hinsdale (the corner of 8th St. and Madison) on the 15th starting at 6:30 pm.

Looking forward to seeing you!!!!


Friday, October 20, 2017

A Pledge

As long as there are natural disasters and poverty in schools this charity will be there to help children. Schools are one of those institutions that has to be ever present to help the kids. Imagine the students going throughout life without the opportunity to get a decent education. Imagine the many voids in their lives.

Some years ago there was federal legislation, well meaning as it was, called 'No Child Left Behind.' That phrase and mission is as important today - and will be well into the future - as it was two decades ago at its inception.

Schools Count is about as small of a charitable group as one can find but that doesn't mean that we aren't helping children and their families and, by extension, their communities. Keeping students in schools and providing them with real opportunities is our mission.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Please Join Us!!

Too often in our busy lives we are not able to take the time to enjoy the fruits of our labors. That holds just as true for those of us, in our many capacities, who put so much into our charity.

I have just the right solution for being able to soak in all the good accomplished by Schools Count Corp. Let's get together to celebrate the many successes of our various endeavors over the past couple of years. During that stretch of time we have assisted hurricane afflicted Texas, flood ravaged Baton Rouge, the schools of Chicago and Harvey, IL and parts of Haiti. These are but a few of our endeavors to help those in need.

I am inviting donors, volunteers, recipients of our assistance and the general public to attend a free, yes FREE, dinner put on by Schools Count Corp. Not only will you be treated to dinner but you will also learn about the various projects that SCC has in the works. A special highlight of the evening will be the performance of the Medgar Evers Elementary School band. It just so happens that our charity was able to purchase nearly 30 instruments for Mr. Maynie's students. In short, you will be able to witness, first hand, the efforts you've put forth.

The dinner will be held at the Community House in Hinsdale, IL on Wednesday, November 15, 2017. The Community House is located at 415 W. 8th Street (intersection of 8th St. and Madison). The dinner will start promptly at 6:30 pm and conclude no later than 8:30 pm.

To be a part of this wonderful event, simply email Dick Flesher at with the names of those attending. Kindly get back to me no later than Friday, October 27th.

We'll look forward to hearing from you in the comming days!!


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Education and Property Taxes - Part 3

Let's say that the residents and a Board of Education in some local Illinois public school district decides to cut property taxes. Now what happens? Have they thought through the effects of their decision and the totality of the impact of the cuts for years to come.

So you cut the revenue from property taxes by 3%, 7% or the maximum of 10%. Can you ever recover that money? The answer is NO! Will the State of Illinois see to it that they make up the difference? The answer is almost assuredly NO!

If elective programs are scaled back or eliminated (it will likely be so called electives harmed more than so called core course/programs) will they be reconstituted later on? Most of us know that won't be the case.

And here's the real rub with cutting property tax revenue if it occurs. Whenever any worthwhile program, be it academic, activity or athletic, is scaled back or eliminated the students will be the ones to suffer. And that my friends ought to be the real issue or concern.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Education and Property Taxes - Part 2

Last week news came out that the Illinois Legislature is willing to let the voters weigh in on possibly reducing property taxes and, in turn, to reduce the funds available for schools and other local agencies. And when it comes to funding public schools, the consequences could be catastrophic.

First, 10% of all registered voters in a school district must sign a petition asking for the question to be put on the ballot so that all citizens have the opportunity to vote one way or another on the issue. Next, if the question passes then there is an opportunity for local officials to reduce tax collections.

Local school boards can then reduce property tax reductions by up to 10% a year. Imagine a local board collects and spends $50 million a year in property tax revenue. A 10% reduction means that the board has $5 million less in revenue. The results would be catastrophic in terms of properly administering the curriculum of the district.

If a school board is wisely using the $50 million, losing $5 million is simply unfathomable.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

I've Said it Before...

The constant pulling and tugging that has long taken place regarding so called 'core' and 'elective' courses is, and has been, one that not only shouldn't take place but it leads to harmful suggestions and actions.

Some 20 - 25 years ago a number of school districts started to end 'shop' programs (as if they weren't needed...that's a joke!!) Now other districts have either scaled back or are talking about shutting down/scaling back other so called electives such as Physical Education and Family & Consumer Sciences (use to be called Home Economics).

Let me make this as clear as possible. A full public education program in this country is needed and by a broad education I am including all curriculum programs such as Shop, Art, Family and Consumer Sciences, Music, Physical Education and more. The noise about electives somehow being subservient or less important or not needed is in a word garbage!!!

Yes, STEM and STEAM are vital but the other programs I've just referenced are just as critical to a comprehensive public education and clearly as vital in terms of development of the 'whole child.'


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Education and Property Taxes

Yes, Illinois is one of those states in which property taxes largely fund public schools and the state does far less than the local government bodies. Part of that process could change relative to local schools having the chance to reduce their property taxes.

The last part of the equation which deals with the state doing a larger share of the funding of schools remains a mystery.

Here's the skinny. The new education bill, recently passed, says that school districts must meet an 'adequacy target.' What that term means is is the dollar amount needed to generate a quality education. And it shouldn't be lost on anyone concerning this point. Who should determine what constitutes a quality education? Should it be left to the states or local governing bodies?

That my friends, before I get into the nuts and bolts of the manner in which districts can reduce property taxes and therefore spend less on public schools, ought to be a question that gets far more attention than has thus far been the case.

From my viewpoint there ought to be a base threshold that the state sets and if local public school districts want to spend more, beyond that threshold, on public education why should they be denied!!

Tomorrow, as I mentioned, I'll get into the mechanics of how the new law may have some deep and far reaching consequences relative to the programs offered.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Celebrate Our Successes!!

Dear Supporters of Schools Count,

Over the past year your efforts to aid children in impoverished area schools or those in far off distances such as Houston, Baton Rouge and Haiti have made a positive and lasting impact. Whether you’ve driven a truck, loaded or unloaded student supplies, made cash donations or assisted in other ways, please know that your generosity is greatly appreciated.
To that end, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Schools Count Corp., I’d like to extend an invitation to join us as we hold our ‘Appreciation Dinner’ this fall. This event brings together not only our donors and volunteers but also the recipients of supplies/resources from the Harvey and CPS schools. What could be more enjoyable than spending time over a tasty dinner and hearing music performed by students from Medgar Evers Elementary School!

This wonderful event will be held at the Hinsdale Community House on Wednesday, November 15th from 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm. The Community House is located at 415 West 8th Street in Hinsdale IL. (intersection of 8th St. and Madison).

To be a part of the festivities please email Dick Flesher at with the names of those who will be attending the dinner. Feel free to ask your colleagues, spouse, and/or friends to join you. I am certain you will find this to be an uplifting and enjoyable time spent with likeminded people who are committed to making a real difference in the lives of children, schools and families. I look forward to hearing from you. Kindly send me your reservation at your earliest convenience but no later than Friday, October 27, 2017. Many thanks!!!

Dick Flesher

Monday, October 2, 2017

Here We Go Everyone

A moratorium on school closings was declared in 2013 and that 5-year ban will expire in June of 2018. In guidelines drafted and submitted under state law, CPS has filed a draft where officials MAY shutter or consolidate schools. Make no mistake about it, I will be absolutely stunned if there aren't some buildings that permanently close.

Based on the state rules the officials at the district headquarters have to announce by December 1st any actions they'll plan to take after school concludes in June of 2018.

What will drive the consolidations, building of new schools and the closing of others? I'm sure some of the criteria will include; space utilization, school effectiveness, dwindling enrollment numbers in certain areas and - of course - dollars. With the district operating in the red it's difficult to not think that finances will be a big part of the equation.

Of course public hearings will be held but many of us remember how those resonated in 2013 when some 50 public schools were shut down in one fell swoop. Stay tuned.


Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School