Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Moving too Fast

There are many reasons why a good number people don't enter the teaching profession. There's also an abundance of reasons why great teachers leave the profession in their prime. Some of the problems confronting this group of fine instructors has to do with what we put in their laps and those in charge could do something about it.
The advance of technology means that lesson plans, assessments, emails, texts and more can be processed at lightening speed. And, in part, therein also lies the problem. People on the other end expect to get results sooner. They demand feedback now, right away. There's no time to dilly around as if teachers did that!!!

Processing, planning, teaching, assessing and other 'ing's' involved in being a teacher can not, repeat CAN NOT, be completed instantly. Many of the qualities that go into a rich teaching/learning scenario take time...plain and simple. Teachers, and students alike, realize this fact.

Too many things move fast in the world of a teacher and many of them are harmful in terms of expecting too much, too soon. It's one of the forces driving people out of the profession.


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