Monday, August 26, 2013

The Funds are Coming In

Last Friday I noted that the State of Illinois put $89 million into capital improvements for the schools in the CPS system. Fortunately, about $16 million may be used to alleviate overcrowding. Okay, sounds good so far.

This point about overcrowding leaves me wondering about whether CPS closed too many schools too quickly; thus, resulting in classes and schools having too many students. Don't get me wrong, having the funds to make the necessary repairs and upgrades are most welcome but the spring closures should have avoided any overcrowding problems or concerns.

One wonders just how these funds will be used given the statement made by Abdon Pallasch, a spokesman for Governor Quinn, who noted that other state school districts have to submit projects for approval. CPS, on the other hand, may determine how it spends the money without going through the same process.

Given the above point, it will be most revealing to see just how CPS decides to use the state funds. Stay tuned.


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