Friday, August 30, 2013

That's Better

I was pleased to learn that a couple of positive things are taking place within CPS and some of the neighborhood areas that have much to do with the schools.

On one front, Representative Bobby Rush and Senator Kirk took a tour of the Englewood neighborhood. Though these two disagree about a good deal including the structure of area gangs, both acknowledge the need for assistance to the community. Rush commented that "we need jobs, we need jobs." For his part, Kirk proposed granting anyone who invested in commercial property a 10 year waiver of federal taxes. It is clear both men know the despair that too many live through day after day.

I was pleased to hear that the CPS brass is dropping the use of 'probationary' with respect to the poorest performing schools. In the past, there were three levels for rating schools, the lowest two tiers were considered probationary. Now, schools are put in one of five tiers, the lowest two will be classified as either 'provisional support' or 'intensive support.'

Finally, it was great to see that just 65% of the rating of elementary schools will be based on standardized test scores. The old measure leaned on test scores at the rate of 86%. Great to see that someone is coming to their senses when it comes to understanding that the value of a school far exceeds standardized test scores.


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