Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Open and Shut

'Open and Shut' is how the Chicago Sun-Times described the situation regarding the desire of CPS to open more charter schools while they have closed nearly 50 neighborhood community schools.   Yes, there is some overcrowding in the northwest and southwest portions of the city but CPS could open neighborhood schools rather than charters.

The image and perception created by opening new schools while shuttering others must certainly leave those students, parents and staff affected by the closings in a mood of disbelief.   I wonder how many of those excellent teachers pink slipped by the closures will be hired by the soon-to-be charters?   I'll answer my own question...very few.

Let me go back to the question of why would CPS open charters rather than regular neighborhood schools.  Well, for one, there is the belief (notice I said belief) that charter fare 'better' than the neighborhood schools.  No doubt, the charters won't be pushing for teachers to join the CTU!!  Also, charters are funded at a different rate -lower - than the traditional public schools.  Hence, there is so called 'savings' to the CPS budget.   Speaking of budget, CPS is asking the potential operators of charters to "find their own buildings." 

If you ask me, the above are but a couple of the reasons why the CPS brass are washing their hands of the difficult task of educating our youth.  Just one more nail in the coffin for putting an end to public education in America.


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