Friday, August 16, 2013

It's About Jobs

Yesterday we ventured over to Ford Heights, IL to bring their two schools with needed student supplies.  I got to meet the secretaries at both buildings and they were ecstatic to say the least.

As I drove through the community I was saddened to witness the number of businesses that have been abandoned and the homes and large apartment units boarded up.   It's not hard to understand why Ford Heights is in this condition as the unemployment rate is a staggering 40%!!

Imagine a large segment of the population without a job.   There is little money for housing, certainly too little for proper health care and far too little for such fundamental items such as school supplies.  On a larger scale, without residents and businesses, there is a small and shrinking tax base.   Again, too few dollars for education and a sparse amount for infrastructure improvement.

So much of what happens in schools is tied to the job situation in a locality.   I left Ford Heights knowing there were many grateful people but I also went home knowing that tough times are in the offing for these fine people.   Very sad.


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