Friday, February 12, 2016

You Can't Cut Your Way to Success

Those who think that reducing teachers aides, classroom teachers, school nurses, and school psychologists - not to mention cuts to the day-to-day budget - is a good idea are wrong. Okay, one can reduce the CPS budget to an extent. So yes, the budget deficit can be cut but it is at the expense of children. Such is the case at many CPS schools.

When a nurse and the school psychologist are in a building once a week it hurts the kids and affects their learning. Reducing various staff simply places a greater burden on teachers at a time when they need staff to properly teach the kids. Budget cuts impact the availability of materials and resources needed by staff.

Helping students learn while aiding teachers in that endeavor can't be achieved through cuts. School districts engaged in such a 'slash and burn' approach will find they are creating more problems than they are solving.


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