Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Flint School Children

The two-year water crisis has certainly impacted Flint MI. schools. I have talked to a couple of officials within the district in addition to watching various events unfold. I can tell you that some schools have been hit very hard in terms of lead in the water system. It's confirmed that there are hundreds of children with levels of lead that are way beyond what is acceptable.

Right now there is plenty of bottled water coming in. Of course, there are other concerns within the schools not to mention what happens when the students get home. Cooking food in the cafeteria, showers after Physical Education, washing ones hands and more are all major concerns within the various school buildings.

As soon I have a better grasp of needs I will let you know and we can go from there. The longer the crisis goes on, as is typically the case, interest and resources can soon fade away. That might very well be the time that the children and families will need the assistance of our charity.

I will be sure to stay in touch with you on this matter.


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