Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Homeless School Children

The latest report from the NEA Today regarding homeless children in U.S. public schools is both alarming and distressing. The 2013-14 school year found that a staggering 1.36 million students were homeless. To give you a sense of how serious this issue is one need only look at the homeless total of 795,054 during the 2007-08 school year. A nearly doubling of the homeless population in less than a decade.

I raise the issue because the needs of the homeless children, outside of the school building, are the same as for any person. The lack of a home fosters many problems. To be sure when students go to school they go with the issues and problems fostered as a result of being homeless. And anyone who doubts the strain on teachers and the obstacles faced by homeless children in terms of learning should refrain from casting those doubts and offering up any dispersions.

The whole child, both inside and outside of the confines of the school setting, must be considered and dealt with if education is to take place.


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