Friday, February 26, 2016

Nurses Needed!

In the past, this blog has voiced major concerns that many CPS schools go without an in-school nurse for a good portion of each week. Why? Well, these in-house school nurses have been cut by CPS headquarters in recent years. CTU claims that the replacements brought in from RCM just don't measure up. I have been in many of the school buildings over the past years and can tell you the nursing situation needs some real attention.

Those who work with young children in a school setting understand that pediatric care is a real specialty. Aside from this very real concern, a good number of the CPS systems children have significant diabetic and mental health care needs. This is something where one can't cut corners.

Here's the point...any contract signed between CPS and the CTU needs to address the nurse issue. It is a critical component in the day-to-day teaching and learning process.


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