Friday, February 19, 2016

Status of Teachers Harmed

Education International (obviously includes America and other nations) has recently compiled a survey which indicates the professional status of teachers. Mind you, the results are the obtained by how teachers view their profession. Sadly, teachers indicate that their status is harmed a good deal because of austerity and political attacks.

When teachers start viewing their own status in less than a robust manner that is not a small matter. At a time when reformers and non-educators seem to be pounding the gavel on all sorts of fronts, there is real reason for concern. Teachers feel less empowered, watched-over, micromanaged and told what to do.

As this blog has pointed out, if parents have questions about their children they always should be in touch with the teacher(s). Every parent has a right to expect full cooperation from their child's instructor. But government agencies and so called reformers must leave the business of curriculum design, teaching, assessing growth and work within the classroom to education professionals.

At a time of low morale, teachers feeling overwhelmed, teachers shortages in some areas, all while seeing their status diminished due to factors outside of their control, it is time to put an end to the 'bashing' epidemic. When you get right down to it, most teachers are just as effective today as they have ever been.


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