Thursday, February 11, 2016

Flint Matters

I'll get right to the point about the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Yes, Flint matters and here's why. Such entities such as electrical grids, roads, water systems and public education are those things that are part of what has long been established as those enterprises that exist for the common good of all citizens.

We simply can't afford, money-wise or in any other fashion, to allow these 'common good' qualities to erode, to dissipate or be harmed in any way. To do so is to diminish the quality of life for everyone involved and I'm not simply referring to the people who live in Flint. If we allow Flint and other future Flint's to exist then we surely have taken a step in the wrong direction.

Is there anyone out there who would be upset if they were facing the same crisis as those in Flint?


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