Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What the Hell is Going On?!

I mean it...what the hell is going on?! One of the many schools we serve in Chicago has a pretty amazing principal (she shall remain nameless as will the school) who has long been admired by many in the community, students and parents alike. Mind you, this school is in a very challenging neighborhood in the city.

Last week she had to break up a fight at the school. She sustained injuries, along with being knocked unconscious, and was hospitalized for a number of days. She finally went home last Saturday but is unlikely to return to the school for the remainder of the year.

This senseless violence, and yes it is entirely senseless!!, has no place in any school for any reason. A principal, a staff member or student has to know there is a level of safety and sanity at ANY public school anywhere in the nation. People have to wake up and realize verbal insults and the use of violence has no place in our society.

I am saddened by this tragic news and you can be sure that our charity will continue to aid this principal and the children.


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