Monday, May 16, 2016

Summer School Woes

It should come as no shock that the CPS summer school program may be just a fraction of what it has looked like in past summers. Given the big pension payment that needs to be made this summer and the huge budget deficit, CPS has announced that it will scale back summer school in a dramatic fashion if the Illinois General Assembly doesn't come through with pension relief for the district.

This is just another blow to the children plain and simple. It seems as the though they are always in the crosshairs of financial problems. Last year the district ran summer school programs at a cost of slightly more than $16 million which is just a drop in the bucket compared to the overall spending in the school system.

As parents, not to mention their children and the teachers, watch all of this unfold, day by day, one can certainly sympathize with them if they looked elsewhere in terms of finding another option other than a CPS school.

Summer sorrow!!


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