Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Hits Just Keep on Comin

Today's Chicago Sun-Times got it spot on when the labeled the current State of Illinois funding mess a 'School Slugfest.' We aren't talking about the many home runs hit by our beloved Sox and Cubs. We are talking about the major task of revamping the school funding formula.

Governor Rauner doesn't want to mess around with the funding formula right now. He wants to hold off on this right now in the hopes that he can achieve a grand bargain compromise on the entire state budget. On the other side, a number of legislators, John Cullerton and Senator Manar, want to steer additional dollars to CPS.

Make no mistake, at some point the funding formula is likely to change. How much is certainly up in the air. The money going to Illinois schools is only a part of the overall budget crisis. There are many moving parts to this crisis, one major one being the power to exert control over state affairs.

It sounds like a macho thing in many respects.


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