Monday, May 2, 2016

Detroit Schools Closed Today

It seems that though as each day dawns another urban school runs into trouble relative to money woes. This morning 94 Detroit, MI public schools are closed as the teachers have taken a 'sick day.' True, the teachers aren't sick, per se, but the fact that the state may not be able to pay teachers after June 30th is 'sickening.'

Unless the state can come up with additional funds, nearly 2/3's of the teachers who will have already earned their salaries will be faced by the fact that they won't be paid during the summer months.

Before you say that teachers shouldn't take this action let me say this...How would you feel if you did the work required of you and you weren't paid for it? Regardless of your occupation it's my guess that you wouldn't like it.

This current bleak financial problem isn't the first time that the Detroit schools have encountered some real problems and concerns. It has been well documented that funding issues are ongoing and that a good number of the schools are simply in poor condition.

Sad to say, the future of urban schools in America seems bleak.


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