Thursday, May 19, 2016

I'm at Fault

The negative and discouraging stories about CPS and inner city schools are truly disheartening and sad. They also perpetuate a negative view of such schools. The result can be anything from 'what would you expect' to 'they aren't worth saving.' And the result is a further erosion in the trust of getting an education from these schools.

Count me as having written blogs about such a pessimistic outlook on inner city schools. I've done it to call attention to the many woes and obstacles to meaningful progress and I've tried to engage with the public to ask for help. I've tried to educate the public.

Of course, in the process of doing the above, I am also fueling the idea - to some readers - that the schools aren't suitable for the kids. That hasn't been my intention but I can understand that my calling attention to the many problems within urban education may actually do so in a way that discourages others.

So, I am at fault. Hopefully, the work of Schools Count Corp. can continue to mitigate to end some of the deep concerns and problems facing those who run and attend a good number of inner city schools.


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