Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Right In Front of Your Eyes

I've written at length about many problems faced by CPS; financial woes, pension crisis, school closings and the uptick in charter and selective schools. In total, these, and many other neighborhood issues are crippling the system here in Chicago. And if you think these concerns are isolated to Chicago, well, that's simply not true.

A contentious debate is taking place in the Los Angeles Public School System over many of these same issues. The representatives of the neighborhood schools are claiming that the 221 charters, yes 221!!, are siphoning off funds that make it difficult for these traditional schools to adequately take care of their needs. Of course the organization that speaks on behalf of charters essentially make the argument that this is not true.

Let's put it this way (I'll do some more digging into this) the assault on public schools, from all sides, is rampant in many, many urban areas and it portends for some tough times ahead. To say that a true 'public education' for all is being harmed is an understatement.


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