Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Time to Asset Ourselves

There are too few people entering schools of education in many universities throughout America. There are far too many naysayers with regard to teachers and the teaching profession. And there is far too much rhetoric surrounding school finance and budgets not to mention people claiming teachers make too much.

As teachers we are ultimately going to have to be the ones who stand up to the so called reformers or those who would diminish the good work we undertake each day.

How do we do this? We have to treat kids respectfully and we take everyone who comes through the doors and we give them our very best. As professionals we have to strive to perform to the highest standards, to indicate that we are the experts/professionals. We need to provide terrific lessons and assessments to our students. Performance matters, great lessons count and passion has to be a staple.

The best antidote to those who don't think we get the job done, we have to prove them wrong in the classroom.


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