Friday, April 1, 2016

Education NOT Schooling

As I continue to work with various schools, observe the real disparities which exist in so many realms and follow events as they unfold regarding education in America, it is clear that the robust push for nearly everyone to attend college is misguided to a very large degree. My point is that the push 'to get ahead' in life seems to be largely focused on going to school rather than getting young people to understand that no matter who they are or what path they choose to follow they have to educate themselves.

No, this is not a quarrel over semantics. This has everything to do with promoting education. If someone wants to be a carpenter, mechanic, farmers, electrician, baker or any number of other occupations, it might well be that a trade school or some other form of education will fill the bill. A college degree might very well not be suitable.

I simply think the push for college for far too many people who do not want to go down that road is at an ill-fated one for far too many young people. In my view, the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of attending college at the expense of other options. I believe that the pendulum has been stuck in this position for far too long and it harms many...sadly.


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