Friday, April 8, 2016

Budget Woes

The proposed $200 million bailout, partial that is, of the Chicago Teacher's Union Pension fund has already faced mounting criticism. State Senator Andy Manar has put forth a funding plan that would greatly augment the CPS teacher pension shortfall. Mayor Emanuel saying that the current plan, funded through Chicago property taxes, is largely at odds with how other teacher pension plans are funded is patently unfair, the Manar idea has stoked disapproval from different quarters.

Downstate legislators who need funds for small colleges and schools, where they live, are largely in opposition to the plan as is Governor Rauner. Even House Speaker Madigan doesn't seem to be lining up behind the Manar idea. Then there are lots of different people, inside state government and on the outside, who aren't supportive mostly due to the fact that an overall state budget isn't in place.

Make no mistake about it, the state budget stalemate is tied to the whole issue of teacher pension funding and the overall funding of schools throughout the state. It's April and if things don't soon change then the start of education, overall, in August will be jeopardized.


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