Monday, April 18, 2016

I Don't Support You on This Issue

I certainly back the teachers and the Chicago Teachers Union in total. It is the organization that speaks for teachers on many concerns and issues. However, the current stalemate regarding a proposed teacher contract is one in which I don't side with my teaching colleagues this time around. Why!

For starters, the CPS financial situation is dire at best. A $650 million pension payment has to be made in two months and I have no clue where the money will come from. The district has numerous bond payments not to mention solving the mess that is contract negotiations.

The district has also made numerous budget cuts at individual schools and that's due to the fact that there is little or no funding to take care of these needs. If the teachers are able to grab a contract beyond what is being proposed does anyone think that the budget cuts to programs within the schools will be fully restored? Not a chance!! Finally, Springfield doesn't seem eager to come to the rescue.

A 'fact finder' found that a previous contract proposal (accepted by CPS and the CTU leadership), which was turned down by a larger CTU group, was a suitable 4-year deal. To this, CTU President Karen Lewis said nay and said "we have no choice (but) to prepare ourselves for a possible strike."

Sorry my friends, on this one I'm not with you.


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