Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Money Matters

This isn't exactly a shocker but, let's not kid ourselves, money DOES matter!

There are plenty of areas of the country where wealth and good jobs exist. In turn, property values are high and a good deal of tax revenue is available for the schools. In these areas children are getting a pretty darn good education. That is as it should be.

There are also plenty of areas of subsistence living; few jobs, low paying jobs and very little wealth. You know where I'm going with this don't you? These are neighborhoods where houses are boarded up and property has much less value than in wealthier areas of America. In turn, too little money is generated in property taxes for schools. Yes, far too many schools starve.

As an attendant concern, where do you suppose most of the most highly qualified teachers seek a job? We know they are heading to where the money is.

Money DOES matter in terms of educating America's children. We have to find a better way to address this problem.


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