Thursday, April 28, 2016

News from CPS

Though I wasn't able to attend the monthly CPS Board of Education meeting I can highlight some of what took place and most of it is a continuation of rather sour news.

First, the potential Chicago Teacher's Union strike could hit the schools in May. If that happens CPS has said that graduation exercises would still take place. On another related front, if teachers are on strike during final exams, scheduled for the week of June 13, then the exams will be cancelled.

A second area of discussion took place regarding charter schools. Six charters are seeking an additional term to stay open while other charters want to increase their capacity to serve additional students. Both pro-charter advocates and those opposed to charter expansion spoke to this subject.

This is a big school system and there are plenty of issues and concerns that have to be dealt with but, as the expression goes, "this isn't rocket science."


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