Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Public Education

In the whole scheme of things, in the history of this country, many events and institutions have stood the test of time and helped to make this a strong and rich (not money-wise in this case) nation. There have been few enterprises any more important in this journey than public education.

A wise, well educated, informed public free from tampering by politicians, political parties and corporations - or other special interests - has long been a bell weather of a society that respects all. Our people understand that freedoms are insured by people's actions as well as their tolerance for others and their ideas.

Today's public education, sadly, is being undermined by those forces; political parties, ideological agenda's and the corporate world. And though these groups have an important role to play in the life of this country, that role is not in the arena of public education.

Public education is an institution that has, at its core, the principles of freedom of expression, democracy, a liberal education and more. Those forces, and others, should never be manipulated with by special interest groups.


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