Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Just Might Be an Issue

No, I'm not weighing in on the Chicago Mayoral Race but I believe there is an education issue that has had, and will, much to do with the primary and the run-off election on April 7th.

As many of you remember some 50 neighborhood schools were closed a couple of years ago. Why is this, in all probability, an issue today in mayoral elections? The schools, to those living in these communities, are more than a place for children to get an education.

These schools are often some of the safest areas of the neighborhood. The schools often do community outreach of all sorts. The schools and LSC (Local School Councils) were, and are, a way to get parent involvement in education and other areas of concern. Quite simply, schools, along with churches, tend to be the two anchors holding a community together. That is a fact.

It will be noteworthy to see if the 50 school closing issue becomes important in the race between the mayor and his rival. Bottom line...schools are important no matter the region of the country.

Stay tuned,

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