Thursday, February 19, 2015

Public Education - Part II

Yesterday's remarks about public education got me to thinking further on the topic/issue. Aside from the fact that our way of life, culture, basis of rights, and fabric of the nation is embedded in a public education system, it is just as important to think about what America would be like without it!

If public education were to cease to exist the vacuum would be filled with corporate or special interest education. What's wrong with that? Plenty!!!

For starters, having a special interest education system would likely teach based upon those special interests at the exclusion of looking at something through multiple lens. Would a special interest education really be all encompassing and broad based in scope? Not likely.

Going without a strong public education system would very likely diminish the prospects of teaching and re-enforcing the precepts of our democratic/constitutional/economic system. Without a strong public education system I believe that the chances of the powerful co-opting others in a variety of ways increases exponentially. To me, this is not the path to walk.


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