Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Out of the Shadows

You never know who's going to make it in this world and who will falter. No one, with any consideration of their fellow citizens, wants a person to slip through the cracks. By the same token, we should all be pulling for those we know well or have never met to make it in life.

This is exactly why Schools Count exists. It is our desire to breathe life into a neighborhood, its schools and individual students. We will likely never, ever know who makes it and it is a certainty that we can't be absolutely sure that our work was the reason students became successful (however you want to define that term).

What I do know is that in the 'here and now' we are positively making a difference. We are breathing life into the various neighborhood schools. Kids are provided resources that give them a chance to succeed in the classroom and that is a plus.

One never knows who will emerge from the shadow of poverty, an area of crime and minimal opportunities but I am willing to give it my best shot in partnership with our many volunteers and donors.

Thanks for caring,

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