Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It Will Catch Up to You

The state of affairs regarding education in Kansas are anything but rosy. Newly re-elected Governor Sam Brownback has seen revenue to his state shrinking in a big way. Over the last two years, revenue state-wide has come in $1 billion less than anticipated and last months fell short by $47.2 million over previously predicted income.

The Governor has pushed for some sales tax increases on various products in addition to making other changes on the revenue side of things. Lo and behold, the Governor is also looking to cut school funding by $44.5 million. The Kansas City Public School system would see cuts to its budget beyond the $45 million they have lost since 2009.

Let's see...if you want to eventually increase income to the state, create more prosperity and have the state in a healthier situation then cut funding to education. Education is, long term, part of the solution to the problem. Why would you cut the lifeline that brings jobs and prosperity to your state?

As I said, eventually such a plan "will catch up to you!"


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