Monday, March 5, 2012

This is Sickening

On Friday Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, along with CPS CEO Brizard, announced that the CPS system will pay a $25,000 signing bonus for up to 50 top-flight principals. Said Emmanuel, "A signing bonus will ensure that we attract the best principals from around the country."

My first reaction? I thought the CPS system was in dire financial straits!!

I have news for the mayor and the office of the CPS, you may - note I said may - attract people but whether they pan out or not is another story. Great educators, including principals, are good at their craft because of what they bring to the position. Cash doesn't ensure an effective leader.

By the way, Mayor Emmanuel, you might want to look in your own backyard for some great principals. CPS just terminated Ms. Young, of Fuller Elementary, a week ago. Ms. Young is bright, effective, and given a real chance, will succeed! This lady is hard working and will fit the bill. You don't have to scour the countryside for effective leaders.

Here's another dandy, current CPS leaders will be given a $5,000 bonus when they find a great principal. Again, I thought that the district was in a dire financial position.

As it turns out, all of the money for principal bonuses and 'finder fees' will be privately funded. Really!! Private enterprise taking over a job that belongs to the public domain?

Public education, by its nature, belongs to the public sector. If this continues, public education will be sold off while we sleep.


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