Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An $1800.00 Bowl-a-thon!

Exactly 100 bowlers took to the lanes at Willowbrook Bowl last Friday and boy did we have some fun. There were plenty of strikes and spares, good fun and sadly a few gutter balls!

It was all worth it as the proceeds from the event was the best ever! We netted over $1800.00 in profits!!

Kudos to Ms. Oler and Ms. McMahon for all the hard work they put into arranging for prizes, food and the organization of the event. You were tremendous!

Hats off to Michael Smith, the Hinsdale Central High School Girls Varsity Soccer Coach, for bringing all of the players from the various squads so that they could participate in the event. Your support is very much appreciated.

Just to give you some idea of the impact that the proceeds render to a school...the $1800.00 is enough money to purchase most of the classroom supplies for a school of 300 children for the entire school year. The significance is great and I know the students, parents and staff are so very appreciative of your generosity.

Many thanks,

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