Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Arne Duncan on Teacher Pay

Arne Duncan has publically stated that beginning teachers should make a minimun of $60,000 to $65,000 and that those high performing, experienced teachers could earn up to $150,000 a year.

Oh yeah, that sounds good.

I take no stock in the rhetoric of Mr. Duncan. Even if he truly feels that teachers deserve this kind of pay, he has to know that the trend is for state and local governments to cut the funding of education. Just look at the vast number of public school referendums that are shot down.

His remarks may very well be heart felt but I have heard this bird chirp before.

Not only are municipalities holding the line on funding but there are plenty of school systems making drastic cuts in personnel. The Los Angeles School District is expected to hand out 11,000 pink slips this spring. Those cuts portend larger class sizes, making it even more difficult for teachers to attend those in need.

There are plenty of areas of the country that not only can't afford to pay this kind of money to teachers, but, sad to say, they won't buy the idea that this is what they should be paid for their services.

Everyone, whether a teacher or welder or carpenter, wants to make more. Talk of it at this time isn't feasible.


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