Friday, March 23, 2012

Calling All Furniture!!

As many of you are aware, the small southern IL. town of Harrisburg was hit hard by tornadoes at the end of February. As the citizens try to pick up the pieces from the deadly twisters the town could use some assistance.

I have already told officials at the Harrisburg schools that we will provide some help to the students this coming fall.

Right now, as people start to find housing, there is a call for donations of furniture. I will take a truckload of furniture to Harrisburg on Thursday, March 29th. If you have some furniture that you can donate I'd be glad to come by on Wednesday, March 28th and collect it.

We are looking for beds (frame, mattress, box springs), couches, love seats, chairs, kitchen tables with chairs, dining room table and chairs, coffee tables and end tables. Since this is a long trip I won't be hauling anything to Harrisburg that has glass.

To make a donation call Dick Flesher at 630-863-6035 or email me at and we can make arrangements for me to pick up the furniture!

Many thanks for your consideration!

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