Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Good and Not So Good

I spent a good portion of yesterday morning delivering music instruments and athletic bags to Chalmers Elementary. The principal, assistant principal, coach and AmericaScores coordinator were thrilled with the outpouring of gifts.

Thank you to one and all for making your wonderful donations to this cause!!

Following the hugs and handshakes, a number of us sat down for a meeting of the Advisory Council. This group is made up of various CPS agencies, NGO's, charities and Chalmers Elementary School personnel.

This is a group that provides in-school services and after-school programs for the staff and children of Chalmers. No doubt, these groups provide some wonderful support to the school.

Though I walked away from the meeting full of hope, based on the commitments made to the children, I was also struck but a feeling of wonderment. Questions and apprehension were foremost.

I thought to myself...What would happen to the school if the grant money disappeared? How could these programs continue if the charities and NGO's pulled out and went elsewhere? What are the chances that these programs will be curtailed given the current state of reduced government spending?

The answers to these questions are troubling, troubling because any reduction in aid to Chalmers and any other inner city schools in impoverished areas will certainly spell doom.


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