Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank You's - 2011

I am always trying to figure out ways to convey the gratefulness of the recipients of school supplies to our donors and volunteers. It's not always easy to find a way to pass along the heartfelt thanks of those, particularly people hundreds of miles away, who have benefitted from your kindness.

Fortunately, last week I received some 60 letters from students in New Orleans expressing their gratitude for your assistance. The letters of thanks from a few 4th and 5th graders at Fannie Williams Elementary School are to the right of this note. Simply click on the image and it will enlarge to the point where you will be able to read it.

If you are like me, after reading the notes, it is pretty obvious that the kids are extremely thankful for the donation of supplies. Of course none of this would be possible without your time, effort, and funds.


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