Wednesday, September 21, 2011

KICK is still 'kickin' it In!

Plenty of players from the various Hinsdale Central High School boys soccer squads took part in the KICK event this past Sunday. To each of you, and your parents, please accept my thanks for being a part of such an important event relative to helping young people who are your age who often go without the school supplies we often take for granted.

We also had a number of local Business Sponsors who stepped up and contributed in a significant way. Thanks goes out to Clarendon Hills Bank and Hinsdale Bank, SVM/Fuel Incentive Products, Inc., Silbrico Corporation, Sports Clip, Kramer's Foods, Domino's Pizza, Soccer 2000, Daily Scoop, Campus Colors, and Meatheads.

A number of Soccer Family Sponsors also provided sizeable support to the KICK effort. They include the following families; Andrews, Basalone, Bergevin, Cheever, Enders, Floersch, Gesior, Gutman, Krohn, McGowen, Meyer, Oleferchik, Parsons, Pranger, Proussaloglou, Reavis, Scott, and Williams.

As of the is morning the grand total of $5800.00 has been raised in the name of children-in-need.

I realize that each and every person has a choice of what they can do with their funds but I want everyone to know that I am heartened by your choice of assisting our charity through your generosity. You have surely put a smile on the face of many children!

Many thanks,

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