Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Poverty on the Rise in America

One may wonder just what the rising poverty rate has to do with the work of Schools Count Corp. A rising number of people who live in poverty means that there are fewer dollars to purchase everything, including items for a child's education.

Nationally, 15.1% of all Americans live in poverty, a staggering 46.2 million of our fellow citizens. This is the highest number of people living in dire straits since 1959 according to the Census Bureau.

Since 2007, the median income in this country has declined by 6.4%. In Illinois, last year, the median income fell a whopping 5.5%, from $53,743 to $50,761. There are simply too few dollars to spend on health insurance, food, and other essentials, including school related resources .

Can you imagine living under these conditions? By the way, the poverty rate is defined as a family of four having an income of $22,314 or less. Yes, your calculations are out of six Americans lives in poverty! This is a stark reminder of the critical need for our work to continue.

No wonder people can't afford proper health care, insurance, decent shelter, and quality food. I believe that Schools Count Corp is doing the right thing by assisting children who live in impoverished areas.

Thanks for helping the students who most need it.


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