Friday, September 23, 2011

Mark it on your Calendar!!

Let's get together with like minded and supportive people of education! I can think of no better way to the celebrate that successes of all of the work, time, energy and goodwill of our donors and volunteers than saying 'thank you' at our October 27th 'Donor Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.'

It's a great meal, with a terrific program, a wonderful guest in Principal Carmilla Young (Fuller Elementary in Chicago) and the food is free!! To be a part of the festive evening simply email me at

We only do this every other year so make it a point to come out to share in the wonderful experiences that comprise the work of Schools Count. You'll enjoy hearing from one of the recipients of the great work of our charity.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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Classes Singing at IMN

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IMN School