Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Unwarranted Cuts to Education

I might just as well be blunt about it...the federal budget put forth by the Administration with respect to our nation's education system is in a word a travesty.

A travesty because it eliminates 22 federal programs!!! That's right, 22 programs gone. On top of getting rid of many of these vital services the budget cuts $1.2 billion in after school programs which serve in excess of 1,500,000 students. Another $190 million is lost in literacy education and deep cuts are made to vision screening as well as speech therapy.

The budget also stops subsidizing the payment of interest on student loans. Money is steered out of Title I programs that are specifically designed to help those mired in poverty. Technical and career education progams are facing steep cuts while $27 million is eliminated in arts education.

Quite literally, dozens of additional programs are facing stiff and unwarranted cuts. Let's not kid ourselves, Congress will go along with many of these cuts and to what end? At least part of the 'end game' is the fact that many students will be hurt.


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