Friday, May 26, 2017

Take a Break

The end of the school year for most is at hand along with the Memorial Day holiday. The start of summer must soon be here...maybe! At any rate, this is the point in the year where I take a couple of months off from blogging all things education and Schools Count.

I just wanted to send you a simple note of thanks for sticking with me as I endeavor to help people keep up with events taking place with our charity, financial problems/concerns in education and various other related issues. I really do appreciate your taking the time out of your day to keep up with all that we do on this end.

I hope your summer is relaxing and that you are able to find much pleasure in all that you do with your family and friends. Nothing says summer better than some quiet time, traveling, heading to the beach, visiting some sights that have, to this point, been largely unseen or simply kicking back in some other fashion. Hopefully, the days will be long and they will be enjoyable.

I'll look forward to seeing you and hearing from you in late July/early August.

Be well,

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Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School