Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A note of Thanks

May 9, 2017. A day like almost every other day. Somewhere it's raining or a bit cloudy or sunny and hot. Regardless of the location in America today is National Teacher Day. And like the weather just alluded to there's likely some vastly different events and emotions transpiring in our nation's classrooms this morning.

But in almost all schools here in Illinois, and elsewhere nationwide, there is one constant...teachers endeavoring to reach out to our nation's youth in order to make an impact.

Our teachers are our nation's treasure in many ways. They awaken ideas, nudge, push, cajole, inspire, nurture and strive to listen. In many ways our teachers are the leaders of America. They help to socialize, get them to see their potential and to find their place in the world. Our teachers help students balance checkbooks, instruct them in the ways of our government/Constitution, allow them to express themselves through music or art and they provide the laboratories for all sorts of experiments.

Where else can you learn to understand the meaning(s) of the work of Ernest Hemingway and other authors? Who else will teach them about fixing a car or baking a cake? What better place is there to learn about sportsmanship and winning/losing than in the classroom called a sports field? Who better to set an example of what is means to be respectful, honest and decent?

Certainly there are teachers in everyone's life who have made a profound and lasting impact.

So to each teacher...thank you for your service and dedication, not only to our students, but to all of our citizens.


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