Monday, May 22, 2017

All You Need to Know


Each year I send out a note to all the schools receiving supplies notifying them of the date and time of delivery. Below is but one note, though brief, from Ms. Mathis of John Hay Elementary. I believe it encapsulates the very essesnce of the gratitude of students, families and staff at the respective schools. Just wanted to share it with you to give you a sense of what your many efforts mean to those in need.

Good evening,

This is such great news! We appreciate all that you do for Hay students and YES, someone will be available to receive the supplies Tuesday, August 8th at 9:30. Please come to door 3 in the parking lot on Latrobe street.
We would love to come to the dinner on Nov 8th!

Thanks so much for all you do for Hay Students. You have been such a blessing to our community and we value our relationship!

Latrese T. Mathis

John Hay Community Academy
1018 N. Laramie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60644
W: 773-534-6000
F: 773-534

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